Bringing It All Together

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For over twenty years OVS Media has been at the forefront of delivering live events over the Internet.

Our Technology Works for You.

Getting content from a venue to your viewers can be easy, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not complex. OVS Media handles every bit of it, from the in-room audio and camera setups through to broadcast and then all the way to delivery on your website.

OVS Media is a full-featured solutions provider that manages every element along an event’s production chain. This means that there are no issues with compatibility or unforeseen disconnects, so you can be sure that everything works on stage, across the Internet, and on the screens of your stakeholdres.
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Video Production

OVS Media employs a network of AV and live event professionals around the globe to make sure that your event gets the experience hands it deserves. No part-timers, no students, no amateurs who just learned how a camera works — just seasoned professionals who know exactly what it is that they’re doing.

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Video Delivery

Our Open Government CDN is a global network of servers designed and built with nothing but video broadcasting in mind. We take industry-standard formats and combine them with cutting edge Web technologies to create an integrated experience unmatched by anybody else.

It All Just Works

We control the production on the ground. We control how we put it over the Internet. And, importantly, we control how it’s presented to your viewers, and we turn that control over to you.
Video alone isn’t enough to get your information to your stakeholders, so we back it up with your PowerPoint, live captioning, Twitter and other social feeds, surveys, live Q&A, and pretty much anything else that you can think of.
The end result is a total product for your viewers that is just like — and in a lot of ways better — than being there.

OVS Media’s Content Delivery Network and other technologies are trusted by some of the most important organizations in the world.

But don't take our word for it.


Not everyone can afford to come to the conference. We have found it really valuable to webcast live because that reaches people at their homes. The webcast allows us to capture those videos and make them available on our archives so people in the room can watch them again from wherever they are in the world.
testimonial pipeline safety
Carl Weimer
Executive Director, Pipeline Safety Trust
It’s not only an important offering from my perspective, it’s a must-have offering. It’s helped me grow my business, increase my revenues, get more bodies in seats as well as more viewers online. It’s been a win-win. I’ve been able to push out my content in a very effective way and add value to my members.
testimonial sifma
Cheryl Crispen
Executive Vice President, Communications and Marketing,SIFMA

After four years of doing the webcasts, we consider it a big success. We are able to connect with more shareholders – live. It allows those shareholders to communicate back with us via live chat. We are able to get questions and comments real-time during the meetings.
testimonial koniag
Ron Unger
Chairman, Koniag Inc.

Let's Talk

We're ready to use everything you see above
to help you get your event out to your stakeholders.

1030 15th St NW, Suite 294

Washington, DC, 20005

